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  1. [2022-08-07]

    What are the types of mesh fabrics? Mesh fabric features

    Types of mesh fabrics: ??1. Accessories for the neckline, such as velvet, BK cloth; ??2. The main material mesh, used in the exposed part of the upper surface, is light and has good air permeability and bending resistance, such as sandwich mesh;

  2. [2022-08-07]

    Some factors affecting the texture and appearance of mesh fabrics

    Some factors that affect the texture and appearance of mesh fabrics: ??With the rapid development of China's economy and the continuous improvement of national life, people pay more and more attention to and pursue high quality, and the texture of mesh fabric itself is also more and more concerned. Environmental protection, function, elasticity, wearing experience and so on.

  3. [2022-08-07]

    The difference between mesh and sandwich mesh

    The difference between mesh cloth and sandwich mesh cloth: ??Let's first introduce the mesh cloth. The fabric with mesh-shaped holes is mesh cloth. Different mesh fabrics can be woven with different equipment, mainly organic woven mesh fabrics and knitted mesh fabrics. Among them, the woven mesh cloth has white weaving or yarn-dyed weaving,

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