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What are the types of mesh fabrics? Mesh fabric features
source:www.bh137.cn Release time:2022-08-07
  Types of mesh fabrics:
  1. Accessories for the neckline, such as velvet, BK cloth;
  2. The main material mesh, used in the exposed part of the upper surface, is light and has good air permeability and bending resistance, such as sandwich mesh;

  Mesh fabric features:
  The mesh size and mesh depth of the mesh fabric can be woven according to the needs by adjusting the knitting method of the knitting machine, such as our common diamond, triangle, hexagon, as well as column, square, square and other mesh shapes. At present, the materials used in mesh fabrics are generally polyester, nylon and other chemical fibers, which have the characteristics of high strength, light weight, high and low temperature resistance, and good moisture absorption effect.

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